
Here is a link to take you to all of the studies off of

Courses Coming Up: Recerts/ New Instructors

When dates are Blue – Registration is ready. Click on it and it will take you to register.

Otherwise email me to send the link.

Recert Only’s will have registration through Zoom during COVID restrictions.

TCR recerts:

Nov 19

TCA/FP recerts:

Dec 10

TCA 2 recerts:

Seated TCA recerts:

TCB recerts:


TCD recerts:

TCE recerts:

Nov 18 – onsite in Roanoke Rapids, NC

New Instructor Training

There are 2 additional required 1 hr sessions

And for best results if more than 2 days a third to give the 1:1 extra care has given best results


Virtual workshops feedback given says 3 half days was the best to feeling successful, so up coming opportunities:


Virtual workshop will be done in 3 half days


Virtual workshop feed back that 2 full days was still successful feeling


Virtual Workshop feedback is best in 4 half days